Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores is a professional tattoo artist known by the name of Tatu Baby. She was a Colombian-American born on the 28th of October the 28th of October, 1997. Discover more the details about Tatu's Networth as well as her weight and height as well as relationship. Tatu is an American tattoo artist, as well as a TV host. In 2012, she appeared as a contestant in a reality show about tattoos called Ink Master Season. She came fourth in the second season Ink Master. Tatu appeared on season three of the Ink Master show and got third place in the finale. In 2019, she starred in two seasons of the reality show Cartel Crew, which is inspired by the stories of people who are connected with drug cartels. Tatubaby is an American who began tattooing at 19, and has continued to work professionally since then. She has been awarded her Best Of Day trophy at an event for tattoo competitions. Tatu s custom black-and-grey tattoos have become a popular style. She appreciates how a body can transform into an art piece to show oneself. Tatu was able to make it to fourth on the The Ink Master's Season 2 Tattoo show before being removed. Tatu Baby began tattooing around the age of 14 years old. The tattoos were also done during the same time frame before turning 19 to become a tattoo artist professional. Tatu baby aka. Katherine Kat Flores is a Colombian American girl who grew up on the streets of Miami Florida. Born to Colombian parents. The father of her mother was an infamous drug dealer living in Queens New York. At the age of four, her father, a drug kingpin from Queens, New York, was killed by the rival gang. The mother of Tatu decided to quit the drug trade after the death of her father. Tatu along with her mother along with their family moved from the city of their birth to Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. When she dropped out of school, Tatu took a course in animation. She began tattooing at the age of 14 and became professionally tattooed by the age of 19. Tatu Baby's twin brother is Kenneth Roman.

Astrid Berges is a Spanish-born actress. When she was at high school, Berges began acting as a pastime. When she first started, she didn't even consider acting because she was from an area that was rural. Her personal characteristics were important for her to be able to play the roles she later was offered. A condition called sectoral homochromia gives the iris with two tones. Her beautiful appearance and her accent from abroad made her the perfect choice to play Sofi in I Origins 2014. "I always start from the beginning, and I do not duplicate myself," says this stylish actor. That makes her worried sometimes, and happy at other times. Astrid places a lot of importance on her characters. She is attentive to how her character moves, speaks and behaves. Another benefit to Astrid's character is the fact that she speaks fluently in five languages - Catalan, Spanish, Italian, French and English.

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